Season 3

Nov. 14, 2023

36: Rhonda - USA - Peace like a River

Rhonda’s life was anything but peaceful. As a child she didn’t have a father or a stable home. She experienced ongoing sexual abuse and neglect until she was finally removed from her home. Her childhood experiences led her...

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April 20, 2023

35: Carey - When God says "no"

We were finally expecting our second baby. Jackson’s pregnancy proved to be the most challenging on my body, but his delivery changed us forever. Sometimes what we want and what we beg God for is not in our best interest. ...

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March 16, 2023

34: Jessica - USA - Beauty from Ashes

Jessica was raised in Texas and walked through so many difficulties before she ever reached adulthood: abuse, death of her siblings and foster care. Her story is one of brokenness, pain and a big ole mess. The Lord taught h...

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Feb. 23, 2023

33: Erin - USA - Feasting on Truth

Erin was raised in a Christian home and up until her mid-30s, she lived a “pretty good life.” She claims that one of her strengths is positivity and up until that point she “had been able to “positivity” my way through thing...

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Feb. 6, 2023

32: Carey - life in the little house

We left Knoxville, Tennessee and pulled into Saraland, Alabama right on time for Nathan to start work and start school. We didn’t want to be there, but were convinced these were the Lord’s plans. Once we arrived, He echoed ...

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Jan. 23, 2023

31: Lydia - USA - was lost, but now is found

Lydia grew up in a single-parent home. Her Grandma took her to church from time to time, but nothing really stuck. While she was in college, she was invited to a Bible study. With the lure of promised snacks, she decided t...

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Nov. 15, 2022

30: Lisa - USA - the power of thanksgiving, even through cancer

Lisa and Stephen grew up together and later got married. When their two boys were toddlers in June 2012, and things were going really well, the first cancer diagnosis came in. Stephen said, “We’re about to figure out if we ...

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Nov. 1, 2022

29: Foundations

Welcome back to Season 3! There are some amazing stories coming down the road and I hope they will bring you great encouragement of the Lord’s faithfulness! At the outset of this season, I want to make sure we’re all on the s...

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