Season 2

June 29, 2021

28: Carey - TN to Mobile; mountains hurled into the sea

God had given us clear instructions: quit your job, live in the flip house, go to school and work in a church. We were in awe of this calling, but the practical logistics soon proved to be daunting. How would we sell our Ten...

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March 15, 2021

27: Amanda - East Africa - A mighty fortress is our God

Amanda met her husband doing hut to hut evangelism in Africa. Her dream was to take the message of the gospel to people who had never heard the name of Jesus. His dream was to share Jesus with Muslim people groups. The Lor...

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March 8, 2021

26: Carey - stretching a buck and the call into ministry

In 2009 we were living with one income and two mortgages. Money was tight, to say the least, and mathematically, the numbers didn’t add up. But God’s math is not our math. We tithed to the church consistently, we put our d...

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March 1, 2021

25: Kathy, part 2 - Japan - What if we took a year to follow God?

We met Kathy in episode 2 and learned about how she met Jesus and He moved in her life. In that episode, Kathy shared how she followed the Lord’s leading into strip clubs to love on the women there. In 2017, Jesus brought a...

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Feb. 22, 2021

24: Julie - USA - God sets the lonely in families

Julie was adopted as a baby and the Lord planted a dream in her heart to pass on the gift of adoption. In college she hit a spell of rebellion which resulted in a disease diagnosis and estimated 5 years left to live. She spe...

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Feb. 15, 2021

23: Carey - a move to Tennessee and the day that changed everything

I had worked so hard to complete my professional goals before tiny Anna was born. Being a stay at home mom was all I had hoped it would be. When Anna was 5 weeks old, Nathan’s company wanted to move us from south Alabama to...

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Feb. 9, 2021

22: BONUS - Carey reflects on Feb 9, 2020 - a fork in the road

On February 9, 2020, our family got on a plane and left China. Today I need to record my heart for posterity and for future generations. At that point, coronavirus was just a China issue. We were going to spend a few weeks ...

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Feb. 8, 2021

21: Mary Beth, part 2 - Southeast Asia - one phone call changed every…

For Glenn and Mary Beth, one phone call changed everything. One night the Lord laid a specific country on their hearts, challenging them to share the love of Christ there. Trouble is, they had no connections to this country....

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Jan. 18, 2021

18: Suzaene - South Africa - the old has gone, the new has come

Suzaene grew up in South Africa, went to church and even sang with a traveling gospel children’s choir, yet she didn’t fully accept the Truth of God’s great love. After watching her parent’s marriage struggle, she walked awa...

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Jan. 11, 2021

17: Carey - first house, a terrible investment, and doubts about God

This episode is full of confessions: We had no idea how to buy our first house, we made a horrible financial investment, and I started having doubts about God. One year into our marriage, we weren’t too confident about adult...

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Jan. 4, 2021

16: Mary Beth, part 1 - USA

Mary Beth grew up in a home of church goers and foster children, but her parents decided to call it quits. When she was 7 years old, her parents divorced, the foster siblings were sent away, they walked away from church and ...

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