We were finally expecting our second baby. Jackson’s pregnancy proved to be the most challenging on my body, but his delivery changed us forever. Sometimes what we want and what we beg God for is not in our best interest. ...
God had given us clear instructions: quit your job, live in the flip house, go to school and work in a church. We were in awe of this calling, but the practical logistics soon proved to be daunting. How would we sell our Ten...
In 2009 we were living with one income and two mortgages. Money was tight, to say the least, and mathematically, the numbers didn’t add up. But God’s math is not our math. We tithed to the church consistently, we put our d...
I had worked so hard to complete my professional goals before tiny Anna was born. Being a stay at home mom was all I had hoped it would be. When Anna was 5 weeks old, Nathan’s company wanted to move us from south Alabama to...
On February 9, 2020, our family got on a plane and left China. Today I need to record my heart for posterity and for future generations. At that point, coronavirus was just a China issue. We were going to spend a few weeks ...
All my life, all I wanted was to have babies and stay home. That was about the biggest dream I could dream for myself. But first, I had to get through the blasted CPA exam. In 2007 I busted my butt to study 5 days a week, o...
This episode is full of confessions: We had no idea how to buy our first house, we made a horrible financial investment, and I started having doubts about God. One year into our marriage, we weren’t too confident about adult...
We got married at the tail end of university and that day couldn't come soon enough. We did some things in that season really well. Other things...eh, they needed improvement. There were so many new challenges...bills to p...
After dating for a year and a half in high school, Nathan and I chose universities that were 4 hours apart. We each had incredible, full college experiences that have served us well throughout life, but in the end we were bo...
After leaving China for COVID-19 and being unable to return, the company decided it was best for our family to relocate to USA. We have accepted a job in the Houston, Texas area, but riding the emotional roller coaster and f...
I can't very well ask you to share your story if I'm not willing to share mine. So scattered throughout these episodes, I will share the journey the Lord has had our family on over the last 20 years. It's been a wild, incre...