Nov. 14, 2023

36: Rhonda - USA - Peace like a River

36: Rhonda - USA - Peace like a River

Rhonda’s life was anything but peaceful.  As a child she didn’t have a father or a stable home.  She experienced ongoing sexual abuse and neglect until she was finally removed from her home.  Her childhood experiences led her to poor choices as a young adult, numerous abortions and physical abuse.  It wasn’t until she saw the terror in her young son’s eyes that the Light of the World finally broke through the darkness and she cried out to Jesus.  He rescued her that day and put her feet on solid ground. 

Rhonda has lived off the Word of God ever since.  It is the very breath she breathes and His supernatural joy radiates through her eyes.  She has used her experiences to reach out to others still in the darkness by teaching women’s Bible studies and leading abortion recovery groups. 

She has also written several books and Bible studies as an overflow of her experience with our great God and His overwhelming love.  You can find them here:

Becoming Ewe: A Woman’s Journey through Psalm 23 

Beloved Bride: What if it's time for the Bride to make herself ready and that Bride is YOU?
 Available as both a book and a Bible Study 

**The enemy has been hard at work to stop this story from getting to you.  Thank you for your patience with the minor audio difficulties in this episode.  I’m confident you’ll be blessed to hear her story!  

Verses mentioned in this episode: 

“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live”
Deuteronomy 30:19 ESV


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